Empowerment Trainer
Sometimes, it is hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. How to deal with something. How to anticipate something. Or how to set it straight. This can hold true for a personal but also for a work-related issue, such as the reorganization of a big company. It always makes me very happy when people express what they are thinking and do not keep it to themselves. When they do, it means that they have found the strength to take their aspirations and goals into their own hands. And of course, in a positive and constructive way.
At my table I have CEOs, CMOs, independent entrepreneurs, managers, or regular employees… Everyone has to reset their balance every once in a while. Or make an effort to maintain it. Employees are the human capital of the organization that they work for. Making sure that they have confidence and faith in what they do is therefore of the utmost importance.
Good empowerment facilitates smooth operational processes. If everyone understands their role within the organization, and can function in a goal-oriented manner within their own framework of specified tasks, the business will run better. My advice is personal, but if it is obvious that someone is happier (read: more productive) elsewhere in the organization, I will certainly recommend accordingly.